Shoes are an important accessory for both men and women. Throughout the day, it’s the shoes that not only support our entire body weight, our movement to different places but they also have to face severe external condition, like dirt or mud or factors that can cause tears in them. While people give much emphasis on the style of the shoes while choosing them, comfort is also quite an important factor. If we are forced to wear uncomfortable shoes for a longer period of time, it will not only cause severe pain to our calves, heels and leg muscles but also will affect our overall health in the long run.
Tips to make your shoes last longer:
By keeping a few things in mind and following certain tips, one can make their shoes last longer. Let’s have a look at the tips to care for your shoes
Selecting good quality shoes:
Always focus on the quality of shoes while buying them. Because no matter what, how much you care for your shoes, cheaper quality shoes will never last for a longer period of time. So, while buying, give equal preference to the quality of shoes along with factors like style and comfort
Apply spray-on waterproofing product:
It is advisable to choose a waterproofing material among different options available and apply them on your shoes before taking them out. This is the first step in protecting your shoes from external weather.
Avoid using a washing machine:
While using canvas shoes it is advisable to clear the stains by hand rather than throwing them into the washer and dryer as it can cause more tears in them
Stuff your shoes with newspaper:
This is an important tip in taking care of your shoes. Stuffing shoes with newspaper will not only help in absorbing the excess moisture but it will also help in keeping the shoes and boots in proper shape
Rotation of shoes:
Always use a different pair of shoes alternatively. This will give the shoes time to air out and stay in proper shape
Store in an airy space:
It is advisable to store your shoes in open space to let the air pass instead of keeping them in a damp closet.
Regular polishing of shoes:
Develop a habit of polishing your shoes regularly after every use. Once the polish gets dry, use old t-shirts to buff them. This will add more years to your shoes.
Apply shoe moisture:
Always apply good moisture on your shoes to prevent them from getting dull and keep them moisturized especially the leather shoes
Use sole protectors:
You can find various sole protectors online for sneakers as well as heels. Soles are an important part of a shoe and the amount of exposure it receives to various external factors, it is important to take care of them to make your shoes last longer.